How to Handle a Rock Chip in Your Windshield


More than likely, you’ve had the frustrating experience of driving on a highway and hearing the smack of a rock hitting your windshield. Sometimes you see it happen out of the corner of your eye, and other times you find yourself scanning the windshield, trying to figure out where the rock made its mark.

Either way, you now have a ding in your windshield and you have to deal with it. Rock damage is a problem because the ding can turn into a crack that spreads. Another common issue with rock damage is that it can reflect light in such a way that it affects the driver’s vision. When looking for mobile windshield repair St Charles Mo, you will want to be sure you’ve taken steps to ensure the best possible repair. Rest assured, you can tackle this problem in two quick steps.

Clean the Area of Damage

It’s important to take a dry cloth and clean the chipped area. Dusting this area will remove any debris and dirt before the repair. Be sure that the cloth is covering your finger because rock chips can be sharp.

Choose an Adhesive to Cover the Damage

After the chipped area is clean of debris, you’ll need to choose an adhesive to cover the chip, helping to stop the area of damage from spidering out or collecting dirt. Some people like to use clear nail polish or super glue. Others prefer an epoxy specifically made for rock damage to windshields. Experts often recommend clear packing tape. These adhesives are not usually a permanent fix but provide a temporary solution to keep dirt and debris from entering the cracked area. This short-term restoration ensures the best repair possible when you have the windshield fixed professionally.

Oftentimes, you’ll decide that the rock damage needs a professional fix, but the above steps will aid you both in the short term and in preparation for professional repair